Linking people with life-altering disabilities to the resources they need.

Our Take 6 for PD Symposium was a great success! Thank You to our wonderful sponsors!


Recurring events are Virtual. In Person events are specified in the title and description.

Week of Events

Finding help shouldn’t be the biggest obstacle you face.

Our mission is to support people with life altering injuries and their families and caregivers. We believe that every person with a disability can reach their fullest potential. We'll help you get there.


Connect your clients to services beyond the clinic.

FOR Clients + caregivers

Resources for clients, family members, and those who provide care.

There are over 53 million family caregivers in the United States. Nearly all of us will be a family caregiver at some point in our lives.

Ryan McGuire, Founder

Partner Spotlight

Upward Care


Upward Care believes that we should provide resources to prepare family caregivers for the responsibility they face. Their team provides hands-on skills training in the home and in group formats for family caregivers. ConnectAbility has worked with Upward Care to provide family caregiver skills workshops virtually and in-person over the last two years.

In 2019, Upward Care formed a partnership with the Bexar and Alamo Area Agency on Aging to provide services at no cost to family caregivers caring for anyone over 60 or with a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis. In 2020, they expanded their services to the Austin and Fort Worth areas.

Upward Care has found when family caregivers have the skills to provide the care needed, it results in a reduction of stress and caregiver burnout, while improving the overall care for their loved one.

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